Multideck Maker: Grid Layout

Multideck Maker -> Deck Templates -> Grid Layout 

Within the Link Spreadsheet each row is a card, and each column is a feature of the card. At the top of each column is the name of the card feature. The details and expected inputs for each column are listed below: 

CardName: Expected input: NA. This column is used to help with organization and keeping track of each card. It does not contribute to the content on the cards.

Example input: Queen of Hearts 


Expected input: file path to image. 

This image spans the entirety of the card and is the bottom-most layer. In the “Deck Components” folder you can find a growing collection of images with names starting with “Background…” that are designed specifically for this purpose.

Example input: ..\..\Deck Components\Singularity Deck 3.0\Background Center.png


Expected input: Hexadecimal color code. 

This column alters the color of the background image.

Example input:  #A53250


Expected input: text 

The rank on the upper-left and upper-right of the card.

Example input: Q


Expected input: Hexadecimal color code. 

This column changes the color of the text on the card. 

Example input: #A53250


Expected input: file path to image 

An image in the same location as the TopRankText. It sits behind the rank text. This is useful for alternative ranks such as dice.

Example input: ..\..\Deck Components\Singularity Deck 3.0\Dice D6-2 Hollow.png


Expected input: Hexadecimal color code. 

This column changes the color of the TopRankImage. 

Example input: #A53250


Expected input: text. The rank at the lower-left and lower-right of the card.

Example input: Q


Expected input: file path to image. An image in the same location as the BottomRankText. It sits behind the rank text.

Example input: ..\..\Deck Components\Singularity Deck 3.0\Dice D6-2 Hollow.png


Expected input: Hexadecimal color code. 

This column changes the color of the BottomRankImage. 

Example input: #A53250


Expected input: file path to image. 

The primary suit that will go in each corner of the image. Note the SuitImage will continue to the next card if this column is left empty for a row. To turn off a suit without replacing it, use the 'Icon Empty.png" image.

Example input: ..\..\Deck Components\Singularity Deck 3.0\Icon Chess Queen.png


Expected input: Hexadecimal color code. 

The color of the SuitImage. 

Example input: #A53250

Grid Pip Groups

PipGroup columns 1-4 control the grid at the center of the cards. Each PipGroup functions identically. The color for each layer can be changed independently.

Each grid pip icon is designated a 3-letter code:

Xxx = empty space

>>> = new row

Squ = Icon Grid Square 

SDi = Icon Grid Square Diamond 

SCi = Icon Grid Square Circle 

SCF = Icon Grid Square Circle Fill 

SSt = Icon Grid Square Star  

Sta = Icon Grid Star 

CHo = Icon Grid Circle

CHo = Icon Grid Circle Hollow 

Fra = Icon Grid Frame 

Nor = Icon Grid N 

Eas = Icon Grid E 

Sou = Icon Grid S 

Wes = Icon Grid W  

NEa = Icon Grid NE  

NWe = Icon Grid NW 

SEa = Icon Grid SE 

SWe = Icon Grid SW 


Expected input: pip group designators for the primary suit.

Example input:  SquSquSquSquSqu>>>SquXxxXxxXxxSqu>>>SquXxxXxxXxxSqu>>>SquXxxXxxXxxSqu>>>SquSquSquSquSqu


Expected input: Hexadecimal color code. 

Example input: #E1E1E1


Expected input: pip group designators for the primary suit.

Example input: XxxXxxStaXxxXxx>>>XxxSquSciSquXxx>>>StaSciXxxSciSta>>>XxxSquSciSquXxx>>>XxxXxxStaXxxXxx


Expected input: Hexadecimal color code.

Changes the color of PipGroup2.  

Example input: #8F2A80


Expected input: pip group designators for the primary suit.

Example input: XxxXxxXxxXxxXxx>>>XxxCirCHoCirXxx>>>XxxCHoXxxCHoXxx>>>XxxCirChoCirXxx>>>XxxXxxXxxXxxXxx


Expected input: Hexadecimal color code. 

Changes the color of PipGroup3. 

Example input: #CEA5CD


Expected input: pip group designators for the primary suit.

Example input: NWeXxxXxxXxxNEa>>>XxxXxxXxxXxxXxx>>>XxxXxxSDiXxxXxx>>>XxxXxxXxxXxxXxxx>>>SWeXxxXxxXxxSEa


Expected input: Hexadecimal color code.

Changes the color of PipGroup4. 

Example input: #88C4EB

Combined, PipGroups 1-4 result in: 


Expected input: text. 

Text at the top and bottom of the card. This is useful for adding a name or roles to a card. The text box spans from the top or bottom to the center, which allows spacing to be controlled by adding paragraph breaks in the link file.

Example input: Text


Expected input: file path to image. This image spans the entirety of the card and is the topmost image covering everything.

Example input: ..\..\Deck Components\Singularity Deck 3.0\Background Grid Frame.png


Expected input: Hexadecimal color code.

The color of the top image. 

Example input: #A53250